Membership (Coming Soon)

Our core mission is to translate the science of health optimization into something accessible, digestible, and actionable for everyone. We do this without relying on paid advertising. 

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Every day, our team review, analyze, and summarizes the latest health and nutrition research. Crucially, we translate relevant studies into digestible and easily understood summaries that are actionable. 

With a membership, you’ll have first-hand access to the latest research in the health optimization field.

Member-Only Newsletter

Every Week, our team compromises a newsletter for our members. The newsletter consists of a summary of the latest research and actionable strategies for health-optimization and biohacking. 

Acces to 1 free guide pr. month

Each month, you’ll unlock a free comprehensive guide, of your choosing. See an overview of our guides here.

Exclusive discounts

With a membership, you’ll get access to exclusive membership discount codes for products and services. 


Tools and actionable stragies for health optimazation & bio-hacking.
Complex studies translated into actionable strategies you can actually use.
Science based deep-dives into supplements.

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